Tesla To Release 'Major' Hardware Updates Nearly Annually

Tesla has already released significantly different versions of the Model S and Model X, and it plans on doing so nearly every year. CEO Elon Musk was responding to questions on Twitter when he confirmed the company's intention to have a rapid hardware revision pace.
@elonmusk 8k would be added to refurb to AP2, you know your loyalists are begging here, M3 is focus, but consider refurb assembly line
@dtweiseth Tesla will never stop innovating. People are buying the wrong car if they expect this. There will be major revs every 12 to 18 months.
Although this could make some customers unhappy because it means their investment will quickly become "old," Tesla wants to keep innovating as fast as possible.
@dtweiseth Tesla will never stop innovating. People are buying the wrong car if they expect this. There will be major revs every 12 to 18 months.
@dtweiseth If we applied resources to doing super complex retrofits, our pace of innovation would drop dramatically

It also won't focus on upgrading older vehicles with new hardware as it'd be very complex to do so. If its HW2 tech were to be brought to HW1 vehicles, for example, those cars would practically have to be stripped down to their frame.

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