New chip will come with the beginning of the new phones in 2017 shipped the battery in 10 minutes

Moroccan inventor Esma Rashid , who was credited with the thinnest phones  that we use now ,where he was behind the invention of lithium batteries, is managed and other researchers who headed invented clever new chip can charge mobile phones within a period not to exceed ten minutes. 
 It will be marketing these smart beginning of the new year 2017 and thus will be able to slide all smart phones for the first time to charge  its battery in record very timing and so users will end this problem , which lasted for many years 

They work through the new slide combined with a battery of smart phones as you warn users when the battery temperature rises, and this is even avoid damaging the phone or make a fire Balaaddition to it increases the battery life and charging speed - powered phone. 
It is noteworthy that this chip was invented at the University of "Nan Yang" Singapore of a team headed by the Moroccan Rachid Esma, which had a very important scientific contributions. 

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