Facebook is working to develop a new tool adapted from YouTube

Facebook is working to develop a new tool adapted from YouTube

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At a time when the social networking site "Facebook" directed towards the field of video and has become a strong player in this field and a competitor to major own platforms of video on top of YouTube, this trend to impose on Facebook do some special steps original content, especially after repeated requests for those rights.

The Facebook has received a lot of complaints from the content makers, especially senior music makers, who complained to the Facebook site of the violation of private property rights of their music on videos posted on its social networking, which prompted Facebook to move and find a solution to this problem.

According to the newspaper "Financial Times", the Facebook is developing a new tool adapted from the "Content ID" tool known on YouTube, which facilitates finding and monitoring protected content intellectual property law through electronic fingerprinting, which quickly protect this kind can of content published on the pages and user accounts on location.

The Financial Times suggests that the negotiations with the top world music makers still going on has been completed in the spring of 2017, before the new tool will be ready.

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