A senior engineers Virtual Reality device Oculus arrested after seduced though the girl was 15 years old to have sex with him

Seattle police arrested on December 23 of this year, head of visuals for your Virtual Reality Oculus VR Dov Katz in an undercover operation in which the police officer masquerading as a girl at the age of 15 years and began to speak with him in text messages. And he has claimed that Katz arrived in one of the suites Embassy in Tukwila, Washington, with an amount of $ 600 after agreement in text messages with the girl (the policeman disguised) to pay $ 300 to have sex with her without a condom.
And then they came The police detained him, said Katz police to heal the same that he was there to save the girl. 
Katz will be questioned on 5 January next year, it is expected to release on bail of up to $ 125,000.Katz has extensive experience in computer vision, and worked in the Oculus since 2013 and the company Facebook purchased in 2014

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