Snapchat proceed in the way of virtual reality

Snapchat proceed in the way of virtual reality

It seems that the company snapchat developed for the application of social networking and after the great successes since its launch thing that prompted major digital companies in the world, led by Facebook are interested in acquiring it and then you copy a large number of features, including, it seems that it intends to invest these successes in the field of virtual reality.

Snapchat announced the acquisition of the company from the Zionist entity called "Cimagine Media", a company specializing in virtual reality applications where has applied for this purpose is the "True Marketless Augmented Reality" and pointed out the media that the value of the deal is between 30 and 40 million dollars.

The new deal will enable the company snapchat from the tee actually in the world of virtual reality and launch more features and services related to these technology-mail application, especially that Cimagine Media company that has extensive experience in this area and a lot of related applications.

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