Twitter prohibits the chief executive account!

Twitter prohibits the chief executive account!

It seems that the problems and technical errors that face known continuous social networking sites. After that the problem occurred earlier this month caused the Declaration and the death of the founder and CEO of Facebook, came the turn of "Jack Dorsey" to be blocked his account on his Twitter.

Number of users spotted yesterday evening the disappearance of the founding account and CEO of the social networking site Twitter Jack Dorsey on Tuesday evening, where they could not access to the user's "@jack" account, this situation has continued for nearly 15 minutes depending on the source before things return to normal from new, where it comes to an internal mistake by the technical departments of the company resulted in the ban.
For his part, revealed Jack Dorsey hours before on his account on Twitter about the reason for the ban in the first blog post since the return of their account, and pointed out that it was a problem of an internal technical, this problem comes at a time when the social networking of the deep problems of not being able to site suffers keep pace with progress in this area intense competition experienced with other sites Cfhispock, Instagram, snapchat and others.

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