See what the difference between "ɢ" ""?

Of course millions of sites on the Internet, and perhaps the most notable is Google, which ranked first as the highest site visit in the world, the nature of the case when you find the name of the site in any article will click it with confidence, but Al know that there is a new trick Akhaddt spread by manipulating the names of these sites large without notice her?

This is what the famous MEMRI site "thenextweb", where he discovered those who support it, a trick used by someone in attracting people to other sites using the Google domain name which is "", which talked about the hoax site is a changing one official scale lettering, a "G" code looks like him, and as you'll notice in the picture there is a very slight difference which is the size of the first character of the official scale and prankster.

And the symbol "G" , which was used by the owner of scale counterfeiter is within the list of distinctive symbols "special characters" are allowed use in locations ranges, such as http: //√.com and  http: //日本語.jp .  

Of course not advised never to access such sites, they remain anonymous and can cause you both in the browser or device problems, and you focus on the scope of any site before the name used by the victim to be easy.

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