Facebook may hold a controversial deal to return to China!

Facebook may hold a controversial deal to return to China!

It is known that the first social networking in the world, "Facebook" site has been "expelled" from China for more than seven years, due primarily to the Chinese-tagged the government's policy of high supervision on these media, but it seems that Facebook is willing to do anything to return to the Chinese market again, which constitute very important for the company because of the large size of this market.

China has prevented a large number of social networking websites and sites generally work on its territory, and the reason for this is the strict regulatory policy practiced by China on these media, especially when they are foreign, and particularly Western, which applies to Facebook, but it seems that institution Mark Zuckerberg, which is making great efforts to be present in all parts of the world that does not exclude the Chinese market, which includes more than one billion and 900 million people, which expelled them seven years ago and is ready to do anything, even if it comes to the controversial deal.

While behind the absence of Facebook from China since 2009, the emergence of competitors Chinese site American social networking, led by "Baidu" and "Sina Weibo" and others, the Facebook is preparing to return to China and by providing alternative options the competent Chinese authorities, according to the newspaper "The New York Times "America, the sources within the company pointed out that one of the solutions proposed by Facebook there is a proposal to develop a special program oversight on the site within China, this program will allow display content that meets China's Internet policy through the next blocking content from certain geographic areas.

In addition, Facebook will allow "third party" which the Chinese government, of course, entry to these this program and thus control what is posted on the site especially popular content, and although there is no so far no confirmation from Facebook itself about the authenticity of this information, the holding of such a deal would raise a lot of controversy and even indignation in various circles, especially those defending the freedoms and privacy of users on the Internet, this has not hidden Facebook days keen interest to return to China again.

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