Tips from the "FBI" to protect the user from the breach created controversy among IT security experts

To get tips in the information security field from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for something worth attention to it, it is known advanced Petknlogith what is  today  available to thepublic, not to mention the finest security experts in the world, and who work in the barracks day andnight, but to find classic and stupid so to speak , will be put your mind several questions.

Publication of the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI some tweets on the official account location social networking Twitter on Friday, which included tips prompt for Internet users during the shopping season, "Black Friday" where hurt hackers eyes on e-shopping sites more than ever before, including advice require users to make passage stronger and change them periodically words.

It raised  Tweet  controversy between users and professionals protection, while waiting to make theoffice a serious tips and tools real protection, has been providing classic tips and even stupid, Changing passwords periodically Azaad insult to injury, contrasts with the first advice given, because the process of change every time you push the user to think about passwords very easy with the passage of time to remember, and this is what has been proven years ago by security experts informational and most of the companies , which were paid employees to do the same process is abandoned and found alternative solutions. In the same vein , published FBI  Tweets  other links with tips to protect the user, and invited of fraud it has been electronically to submit acomplaint location " Internet crime complaint Center , " of the same office.

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