Report: Israeli company can bypass the protection of the bulk of the world's phones, including the iPhone

A group of international companies do not flinch in the development of organs, especially the section on protection because of its importance for the user, and indeed, a large segment of smartphones became known large protecting the thing that makes the mouth of hackers interesting and major security companies, and the best example, iPhone phones from Apple that you know the difficulty of penetrating its system, but the Federal Bureau of investigation FBI was able to bypass the protection iPhone phone to one of the terrorists in San Bernardino, California.

A set of reports indicated that the FBI used the company Cellebrite Israel to be able to bypass the protection of phone iPhone, where it is known that the company offers its services to a group of governments, but the company did not announce its participation in that process has not commented on the matter.
Earlier, the company has provided proof to a reporter AFP for its ability to penetrate and that LG G4 phone in a couple of Lithuanian with being able to pull all of the data stored and text messages deleted ..

Ben-Peretz a company's directors have declared that their technology can bypass the protections got used complex, The group of phones are the only ones in the world who have managed to bypass the protection.

It should be noted that this company's technology is not the software, but also hardware and equipment shall be on the phone to be bound by breaking his protection.

This Apple has called previously the FBI time to reveal the way in which organizations were able to break the protection of iPhone, but the latter declined to answer, and perhaps today things have become clearer, it is expected that experts Cellebrite are those with this answer, and between this and that remains user wondering about the extent of protection in this digital world we can not confirm its safety situation at all.

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