Video: break through and steal a car Tesla by security researchers

For as long as evolved technology to facilitate and assist man in his daily, with a new generation of techniques emergence of Internet of things that can be remote-controlled, relying on sophisticated algorithms and systems, artificial intelligence capable of simulations humanitarian work, is still the ability to circumvent the machine of the conventional things forward, Valalh is a machine at the end of the day, though mimicked human intelligence, man by nature is capable of circumvention of the brown race, let alone machine.

A week ago, we published a video of the experience of driving a car Tesla Motors , which relies on sophisticated systems to enable them to overcome barriers and obstacles roads as if the Insa - led, but what do you think if he could one of the manipulation of the driver 's car during the trip, Mma if he could one what know where you are, wherever analyzed and traveled by, Mma for electronic lock the car does not function very well? 

researchers from the Norwegian company of cyber - security Promon being able to penetrate a car Tesla Motors through the discovery of a loophole technology identification protocol   OAuth  enabled them to enter the account of the victim on the application of the special Tesla control drive, through the seizure of definition , which is stored in a system files that can not be opened to through thework en route to the phone icon. the researchers pointed out in a post them, it is easy for a hacker integrate a loopholes work your root in the Android system by applying a malignant and install it on the victim 's phone It was seized on his account application of Tesla. 

In a video illustration to penetrate the researchers were able to install the application malignant on the victim 's phone through the establishment of a point and meets the fake and there is a draw ittoward loaded, so they could later find out where the car, and even its leadership. 

This should be noted that the Chinese researchers Tmknu months before penetrating cars Tesla Model S, the thing that makes it imperative for the company casting attention on the security side, along with the development of self - driving car systems

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