Phone Xiaomi Mi 6 will come with the latest and most powerful Snapdragon processor

Days before the Kowalkm manufacturer of processors smartphones by announcing the newest Amaaljha Snap Dragon 835 in partnership with Samsung, where this new processor supports a range of technologies highlighted by technology fourth generation of fast shipping.

And unusually, it is expected Samsung processor for the new Qualcomm will be included with thenext phone "Galaxy S8" in addition to other copies Bamaaljha Exynos 9. 

According to new reports, the Xiaoma company will be the first to launch a phone this processor over the next year, and exactly the first quarter of 2017 the month of February or March, it will be attached to the phone 's main series Xiaoma Mai "Xiaomi Mi 6". 

earlier spread rumors that the phone Oppo Find 9 is the first phone to come with this processor, but that is not the only rumors not confirmed information showing authenticity. 

from clearly , the best upcoming Android system phones will come with a processor Snap Dragon 835, and perhaps new is the adoption of Samsung for this type of processors, the thing that raises questions about completing her career with Samsung processors Aksinos.

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