The proliferation of short video cause it off in stoppage iPhone phones

The proliferation of short video cause it off in stoppage iPhone phones

Video detection on YouTube produced by the channel "EverythingApplePro" for a short video not exceeding 3 seconds but a large effect, where the causes run this very short video in slow until the final stop for phones iPhone and computer tablet iPad, which did not find an explanation categorically him to until now.

It was a lot of sources have talked about this video, channel EverythingApplePro video provided on its channel on YouTube about this, and it comes to link video in MP4 format produces runs on Apple's Safari browser on the devices operating system, Apple's iOS stoppage Whether Balaifun or iPad and requires it after that re-enforced operating the device to return to work as normal.

Very short video, which does not exceed the duration of 3 seconds causes as noted in the machine stops, but this is not happening only after 15 or 30 seconds after the video playback, and although he is not there to now no explanation categorically to this problem, however, experts point out that it comes to file MP4 is corrupted and it causes in the video being stopped due to the leaking of the phone's memory.

Fortunately, this problem does not cause any serious damage to the phone iPhone, noting that it comes to devices operating system iOS 5 and above.

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