Reports: Google's accusations of stealing the idea of "Project Loon"!

Since the two revealed Google for its project aimed at linking all the inhabitants of the planet the Internet, especially the poor and who are in remote locations, like Google's Like a number of the digital world companies that thoughts of the same idea, and on top of Facebook, but the new charges from a specialized company It may spoil the Google project.

And Google has launched "Project Loon" which aims to connect all the inhabitants of the land high-speed through the giant balloons to the Internet project, to Tndhav so this technology to Internet technology deployment across the drones own Pfispock addition to satellites prepared for this purpose, but one of the specialized companies in this area accusations launched during the past few days for the Google of stealing the idea.

Company "Space Data", which was founded in 1997 and specializes in providing Internet services airships filed a lawsuit against the "Olfabt" parent company Google for accusing them of stealing two patents in addition to the breach of their agreement on not to exploit own technology company and a secret keep it and that was share with Google in the year 2007, where the company indicates that Larry Page, CEO of Space Data laboratories visited in 2008.

And considers the accusations that the true moral scandal of Google for all standards, noting that the latter refused to comment on this subject to the limits of time.

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