Tarif and Video: Robot escape from the laboratory in Russia and cause chaos in the street

In Tarifa incident in one of the Russian cities has a robots escaped from the laboratory and the trend towards the street and it is what the latest state of confusion among the citizens for being the first case of its kind.

And Russian media pointed out that the city of "perm" Russia has seen a funny case and unique is to escape one of the robots, where sources indicate that the robot "Promobot" fled devoted to the experiences of space within the company developed after the pig by the developer engineer for a few minutes and was Android is still in the business of.

And sources add that the robot was able to escape and he went toward the street and hindered the movement of vehicles and vehicle after it stopped charging its battery, where they found engineers the company after 45 minutes of searching, and the company pointed out that the robot is designed for movement and to keep pace with human beings and deal with them.

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