Tesla Gets Rid Of HR Head, Faces Poor Working Condition Allegations

Amid claims of poor working conditions and harassment, Tesla is swapping out its head of human relations. Arnnon Geshuri, who's been with the company for years, is leaving. This comes as Tesla figures out how to deal with allegations of unsafe conditions, discrimination, and harassment.
Geshuri is only the latest in a string of HR executives to leave the company this year. Tesla previously lost Jennifer Kim (director of HR for engineering) and Mark Lipscomb (VP of HR).
Arnnon helped transition Tesla from a small car company that many doubted would ever succeed, to an integrated sustainable energy company with more than 30,000 employees around the globe. As Tesla prepares for the next chapter in its growth, Arnnon will be taking a short break before moving on to a new endeavor.- Tesla
Gaby Toledano, formerly of Entertainment Arts, is replacing Geshuri.

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