Pandora Sued For Allegedly Copying PayPal's Logo

Pandora's latest logo is a copycat of PayPal's, alleges a lawsuit filed on Friday. The music streaming service's logo was updated last year and PayPal believes Pandora is copying its look, which could confuse users. The lawsuit is for trademark infringement.
Because the designs are so close to each other, PayPal believes its branding is infringed upon.
One critically important function of the PayPal Logo is to stand out on the crowded screens of customers' smartphones and tablets. Even the slightest delay in locating and using PayPal's payments platform causes customers inconvenience, and degrades PayPal's standing with customers and merchants.- PayPal
Quite a few people actually pointed out the similarities last year and it's clear to anyone that the logos have similar designs. Whether they're close enough for PayPal to win its lawsuit remains to be seen.
PayPal says it initially tried to address this issue through private conversations with Pandora, but the company "did nothing."

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