Study: Break from Facebook will raise your happiness ratios

New research found that leaving Facebook for a week will help increase life satisfaction and feeling positive, especially among the excessive use of social networking users.

The study suggests that taking a break from Facebook can contribute to the promotion of emotional well-being and life satisfaction, with the people "addicted" obvious implications particularly on the social network without engaging and realistic activities with others.

Results of the study conducted by the University of Copenhagen, have shown that the move away from the use of Facebook for a week has a strong private addicted users on the network effects and also those who have feelings of envy towards Alvesbokyin their friends, suggesting that people who get anxious largely with other people's posts reinforced the negative feelings during used, as can benefit from the non-use of the network more than others.

Said report author Morten Tromholt From the Department of Sociology at the university, it must get changes in behavior, for example, users can be addicted to minimize the time they spend on Facebook, but for users isolated from their surroundings Engaging actively what could produce positive results. 

But he pointed out that people may find it difficult to change their behavior - 13% of the study participants who were supposed to take a break admitted to using social network - therefore Valaqlaa its use will be necessary.

It is worth mentioning that the study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Was attended by 1095 people, 86% of whom are women, were randomly divide them into two groups: one using Facebook continued as usual and one stopped using the social network for a week.

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