NASA Probe Will Get Very Close To The Sun

A NASA probe set to launch in summer 2018 is going to get closer to the Sun than any probe has before. It'll pass through the Sun's atmosphere to provide new details about the way it functions. Because it'll be so close to a massive heat and radiation source, it'll need a stronger design.
The Solar Probe Plus is going to use an 11.5 cm thick heat shield made of carbon composite to keep itself at a reasonable temperature while facing outdoor temperatures of 1,400°C.
During its journey, the Solar Probe Plus will go around Venus seven times. It'll get closer to the Sun with each loop, eventually swinging by the Sun at only six million kilometers away.
Understanding the activity of the Sun and predicting weather from it is crucial if we really want to have humans explore space more, including working and living on the Moon and Mars,- Brad Tuckey, Australian National University's Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
More details will be provided by NASA on May 31.

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