Google's AlphaGo Beats World's Best Go Player In First Match

AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence system built by Google's DeepMind, has won against the best Go player in the world. It's already won the first of three matches against Ke Jie, who's considered the top human player.
Many headlines highlighted the AI system's win against Lee Sedol, a Korean Go champion, last year. It beat Sedol 4-1.
The competition is still going and it's possible Ke Jie could fare better in the upcoming matches. The 19-year-old champion only lost by half a point, which is the closest possible margin in Go.
I think it was a really wonderful game. Huge respect to Ke Jie for playing such a great game and pushing AlphaGo to its limits. - Demis Hassabis, CEO, DeepMind
These matches are part of the Future of Go Summit in Wuzhen, China. A second match will occur on Tuesday (China time) and the finale is on Saturday.

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