Industry Groups Abandon 'Six-Strikes' Piracy Initiative In US

The Copyright Alert System is finally being abandoned by the MPAA and RIAA, the main groups covering the music and movie industries. Since 2013 the system has been in place to implement a "six-strikes" policy that was carried out via a partnership between the groups and ISPs.
Subscribers who were found to be using their internet connection for illegal downloading could receive warning letters from their ISPs. Although this did occur, there was no significant net reduction in piracy.
Each warning could come with penalties, eventually leading to a potential throttling of internet speeds.
Steven Fabrizio, an attorney for the MPAA, says the policy did keep a "significant number of users who received alerts" from continuing to offend. Yet it couldn't deal with significant offenders who understood the policy was somewhat toothless--nothing would really occur after six strikes.
The [Copyright Alert System] structure was simply not set up to deal with the hardcore repeat infringer problem,- Fabrizio

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