Apple Unveiled The First iPhone 10 Years Ago

The first iPhone, a device that arguably shaped the current mobile market, was introduced by Apple 10 years ago today. Prior to its existence, the handset market already featured smartphones, but the current wave of touchscreen-centric phones had yet to arrive.
Apple's former CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the product during Macworld in 2007. It was met with questions about its utility, but it proved to be the start of the current smartphone era and the downfall of large players like BlackBerry.
Though it initially lacked an app store, the phone's multitouch display allowed for full web browsing.
It took a while for analysts and competitors to realize the significance of the iPhone. The same thing would be seen in 2010 when Apple introduced the first iPad.
After unveiling the phone in January, Apple went on to release it in June 2007, forever having one of the biggest impacts on the mobile market.

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