WordPress supports the 360-degree images and videos

In a major step towards the promotion of virtual reality technologies on the web, the PHP and start supporting the photos and videos of the 360 degrees, and a few days have past since the giant media run after VLCSupport for videos of this kind. 

In her blog post, WordPress says it will make the deployment of virtual reality content on the net for an easy Ksholh involve a certain image or text.

Currently, it made the 360 - degree photos are available for all operating platform sites, while the 360 - degree Vidyohaat are under experimentation and currently available only for accounts paid onWordPress.com .

It is worth mentioning that the new technology will authorize users on its supporting browsers Video 360 degrees as in the case of Facebook, it can be moved just across the mouse button or by moving the phone while if you are from users of a helmet virtual reality is enough to move your head to swim in the deep Details of the video.

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