Report reveals the date of the unveiling of the Galaxy S8

Report reveals the date of the unveiling of the Galaxy S8

It seems that the South Korean company Samossing does not intend to repeat the Galaxy Note phones scandal 7, which caused the company in a big moral and material losses, and in the time that attributed a lot of followers reason to rush that characterized the company steps in this matter, the Samsung want to take enough time before putting the main phone for next year.

At a time when Samsung used it to make the new phones each year in the period between late February and early March in Barcelona, ​​Spain, on the sidelines of the technology exhibition MWC 2017, the Samsung this year opted to wait and make the main phone Galaxy S8 in the new date which was uncovered by means of competent media.

Competent SamMobile in Samsung News and the owner of the big credibility site pointed out that Samsung has decided not to rush in order not to fall again in a similar situation to what passed him with the Galaxy Note Phone 7, which caused a big scandal of the company, according to a specialist website, the Samsung chose a different date for the detection of Galaxy phone S8.

The site that Samsung would stop her new Galaxy S8 in their own in New York City and exactly in April, effectively, is expected to come with a number of technical advantages, as was leaked, including that come bigger screen and curved sides in addition to the 6-GB Ksah memory access RAM with 256 GB Ksah RAM.

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