Report: almost all Traffic false news sites comes from Facebook

Facebook poses for sites that publish false news main source in order to get readers and followers ofall that you're promoting him according to a new report issued by the Jumpshot company. The company found that many of these fraudulent sites get more than 70 per cent of Bandwidth or visits coming from the computers of Facebook, that while it is on the contrary quite the newspapers credible , such as The New York Times does not get from Facebook only 30 percent of the total next Bandwidth own computers. It is noteworthy that this study carried out by the company concerning mainly the United States, it also found that the news spread misleading and false rates almost equally in both the US republic or democracy based on the results of recent elections in the United States of America. While this study confirms many other studies that Facebook remains the most important platform for the distribution of false news and misleading, since the acceleration ofFacebook along with some technology companies on the other side in order to find radical solutions to this cancer that is rampant in the social network, and after that abounded fears and came out thevote condemning the the role played by Facebook in influencing the outcome of the American elections.

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