Facebook develops artificially intelligent to report any breach of its live broadcast content

Facebook is working on a ban on live broadcast videos that may contain content in breach of policy, in its plan to monitor the data in real time via the artificial intelligence applications by Joaquin Candela director of machine learning applications branch Pfispock. For a long time was a Facebook -based direct submissions from users on publications by the immoral content, and are then reviewed by a competent teams Pfispock to be removed in the case of whether the violation of the policy ,Facebook, and if there was content requires an amendment in the policies of Facebook itself, Resolution take Mnfdan higher Pfispock. Says   Candela   that Facebook recently become rapidly dependent on applications of artificial intelligence in determining the crowbar content of any content that contains nothing of a violent or pornographic nature and other things that do not agree with the policy of Facebook. This has already worked on the Facebook use of artificial intelligence to identify and delete videos extremists. It is worth mentioning that the use of artificial intelligence to determine whether it was a live broadcast to impair social network conditions or not remain in theresearch stage and not Stadhavha Facebook shortly property. As the matter by  Candela is  not easy, it first requires that you be very fast algorithm which can be achieved. Second , you have to make it as if a normal human being looks for video monitors, and thirdly it has to be becoming specialist already understand the policies of Facebook well and then take the appropriate decision.

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