Google employees accuse the company of spying on employees!

Google employees accuse the company of spying on employees!

Focused and specialized media in the past days the news lifted one former employees of Google Inc. filed a lawsuit against the company accusing her of spying on the users illegally, a story that has raised a lot of interest, especially as it relates to the reputation of one of the world's largest digital companies.

Site " The Information " pointed out that a one department managers at Google Inc. , has filed a lawsuit against the company in the Supreme Court in San Francek in the state of California and the US, due the employee at Google Inc. , the reason for lifting the case to spy the company's employees by a secret program to spy online .

Plaintiff, who was not identified and indicates that Google depends on the spyware program to prevent employees internal leaking anything related to secret their projects either authorities or as well as to the press, which in this respect is to tighten control standards within the company, they are prevented even from writing books related to their experience into Google without the prior knowledge and consent.

Employee at Google also confirmed that one of the founders of the company -mn not to be named threatened staff Baquba direct expulsion in the case of leaking any information about the company to anyone, especially journalists, and states that an employee who sued Google had previously filed a lawsuit against "Nest Labs" a branch of Google specialized in the development of smart home networking company, due to arbitrary expulsion.

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