After returning .. Nokia starts a new conflict with Apple

After returning .. Nokia starts a new conflict with Apple

Considering the anticipated return next year to the world of smart phone industry after a long absence, the Finnish company "Nokia" began in the "war" against Apple's lawsuit against the backdrop of accusations of the US company of violating patents for Nokia, which predicts that the next year will be full of confrontations.

After what we have seen during the years of chapters famous judicial confrontation between Samsung and Apple Here we are at the gates of the follow-up "war" judicial new between the two giants of world figure, where different media pointed out that Nokia raised the company filed a lawsuit against its rival Apple, in US and European courts, and exactly in the German courts

As usual in this type of subjects, the primary engine for this litigation remains the patents subject, where he accuses Nokia absent from the scene years rival Apple since violating its patents in the iPhone phones, says Nokia that it comes with 32 Braah invention used by Apple illegally and without their authorization.

And relate these circumstances patents primarily screens and electronic slides and video codecs and software technology, in violation of the agreement signed between the two companies in 2011, according to the text of the suit Nokia.

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