Apple Sued For Copyright Infringement By Nokia In Germany, US

Apple is facing copyright infringement lawsuits from Nokia in the US and Germany as a result of a licensing dispute. Apple has filed its own antitrust lawsuit against multiple patent assertion companies that are allegedly trying to collect excessive licensing fees for Nokia's patents.
In its version of the situation, Apple says Nokia transferred its patents to other companies to avoid its FRAND (Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory) licensing deals.
With its cell phone business dying, Nokia began to seek out willing conspirators and to commence its illegal patent transfer scheme in full force; that scheme has continued in full effect to the present. The driving force behind Nokia's strategy was to diffuse its patent portfolio and place it in the hands of PAEs. Acacia and Conversant were its chief conspirators.- Apple
Nokia's lawsuit simply paints Apple as refusing to set up licensing deals for technologies that are patent-protected.

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