This Mark Zuckerberg plan to combat the false news on Facebook

This Mark Zuckerberg plan to combat the false news on Facebook

It seems that the accusations against the social networking site Facebook on the promotion of Donald Trump and his help in access to power in the United States by turning a blind eye to the promotion of false news and influence public opinion Alomraki- they seem to have contributed to the rush Executive Director of the site to search for radical solutions to this problem.

The social networking sites, led by Facebook accused of being contributed to the promotion of the Republican candidate Donald Trump and the impact on American public opinion in order to vote for him through the promotion of a number of false online news, something that was denied by Mark Zuckerberg at the time, when he said in a previous blog post on his account that more than 99 percent of the news published on its social networking is reliable, but it seems that all that was not enough, so the man returned through the end of this week to reveal his plan for the eradication of this phenomenon.

Mark Zuckerberg noted in a new blog post on his account on the site that Facebook take this subject seriously, and they have started working on this problem for some time, and that despite the significant progress that the company has done in the fight against false news and false, but there is still a lot of work in this regard, where he laid out his plans for this purpose, this plan is based on seven axes.

According to Mark Zuckerberg, the way to fight the false news on social Facebook networking site pass mainly through several axes, first and foremost the development of more Dkaoua algorithm to be monitoring this type of content more accurately, and to facilitate the task of the users for reporting false news will also be demonstrating the false ways "warnings News "accompany them in addition to the ban on advertising for sites that rely on this type of content and cooperation with specialists reporters and news agencies.

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