Delete Facebook Application provides 20 percent of the battery capacity Android phones!

Delete Facebook Application provides 20 percent of the battery capacity Android phones!

It seems that the application of social communication problems Facebook with smartphones are still ongoing, as always refer to the application on the grounds that one of the basic causes of the rapid discharge for charging batteries of these devices, and at a time when the bulimia confirms its number of reforms to solve this problem, the study modern confirms that things remained the same.

In a recent study conducted by the site "TechWorldZone" Based on tests on the phone Nexus 6P study confirmed that Facebook Application on the Android system is one of the important reasons for the consumption of the smart phone batteries, which has been known for some time, as confirmed by Facebook itself and pointed out that some users suffer in response to this problem, including a diplomat on the subject.

But the site TechWorldZone also pointed out that the deletion of Facebook Application for Android system in addition to the private chat and instant messaging, "Facebook Messenger application" can be used to provide 20 percent of the battery phone capacity and can launch the rest of the applications faster with 15 percent, and in this regard noted site to the existence of a number of alternative solutions such as using the Web version of the website on your phone browser or application as well as the use of Facebook Lite, a less energy-intensive version of this application.

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