Four college students are able to solve the problem of false news Pfispock in just 36 hours

Recently suffered Facebook to campaign widely criticized following the recent US election, as many considered it the main player in the conduct of the election process through the spread of a huge amount of news false and fraudulent, yet responded Mark Zuckerberg evasive on the issue, and theintention of Facebook and Google age of strict laws against websites that publish news false , everyone is wondering about the ability of Facebook to check and make sure Msaddaqaah news on the social platform , which includes more than a billion and a half users.

On the sidelines of hackathon organized at the University of Princeton This week 's conference, students give participants the problem of news counterfeit on the Facebook platform to do it disbanded, already winning team consisting of Anant Goel, Nabinta De, Qinglin Chen , Mark Craft was able to solve the problem in just 36 hours. 

The solution is a the addition of Google Chrome named FiB can determine whether the news was fake or real, whether it is an image or publication or external link, of course , the addition rely on a sophisticated algorithm intelligently connected Artificial can identify the images, extract keywords from texts ... etc. the algorithm connected engines search and different databases. 

in the project page on the site  devpost  crosses students cheer to complete this challenge , which asks them to learn new techniques in a short time to work on large parts of the add -on , has the students making the addition of open source presentation for site  github , it is also now available on  the Google Play store  as welll.

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