Twitter improve video feature on its site

Social networking site Twitter announced yesterday evening for improved video feature on its addition to the application of the private video "Vine / Fine" and in a new attempt to compete with Facebook and Instagram application, which has become alone exceeds the level of active Twitter users per month.

Twitter has announced that it will improve the video feature on its social networking, which will increase the duration of the video on the site to 140 seconds and is the reference number mentioned ceiling of characters that can not be bypassed in tweets on Twitter, the new figure came after the video for no more than 30 seconds.

On the other hand revealed Twitter for the arrival of the same update to its application for video "Vine / FINE", where the video for 140 seconds as well as to become, rather than 6 seconds as in the past, but the view will be different, where the handsome display the first 6 seconds of the section repeatedly button will appear as "see more" on video and will enable the pressure on him to continue to watch the video.

The new update is currently available for a number of users and will be circulated in the coming period.

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