Reports: Apple not to encrypt the nucleus of 10 iOS system endanger .. Company shows

Press reports indicated that during the past few days that Apple did not encrypt the nucleus of 
the new operating system 10 iOS and which is still in the designated developers beta version, 
and is something that has raised a lot of criticism of the company by virtue of that it may cause 
the easy spread of malware, but the company did not take long for clarification.
And Apple had been made during the past few weeks its new operating 10 iOS and opened by 
developers on the horizon of its official launch for all users within the next fall, but the 
developers have discovered that Apple had left the core of the new system without encryption, 
and it is what I think some of it It has happened by mistake or forgetfulness, and alerted to the 
seriousness of this matter to the system through easy to penetrate and spread malicious 
And it has divided the new step of developers, especially the first time that Apple chooses which 
do not encrypt its nucleus, where it held the first class that it poses a danger to the security of 
users, in the view of the second step that the new Apple Achtaarkas in order to strengthen the 
security of the system.

Apple in turn, did not lag far behind for clarification, where the company in connection with the 
Website specialist "TechCrunch" confirmed that the lack of a nucleus 10 iOS encryption is a 
voluntary choice of the company in order to strengthen the efficiency of the system and at the 
same time P Apple does not intend to abandon the security of users.

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