Learn the first phone in the world can not be seen only by its owner

Before turning to this new phone it must first recall that the idea came after he had boarded the 
Turkish designer Göger in a transportation routes in Turkey did not find the rest of the people 
around him who throw a look to the phone, what made him think of the invention of the way 
through it hides the phone screen from the eyes of others. In previous entry

After four months, enabling the designer of the first phone in the world industry can not see it, 
but the owner, was the launch of the phone stealth name the merged inside slide the screen 
turned white for each of the watch, but through wear special glasses smart is Zmj inside is also 
a second tranche can for the owner to see and browse the phone away from spambots.

It is expected to call this phone name "C.COGER I", and will also be available on the button to 
activate the white screen or disabled by the user's desire, and Göger said he wished he was 
born in Britain to find funding for his project inadvertently produced and marketed, and sigh as 
the Turkish saying : I think I was born in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In the picture above spent Celal Göger spent four months in innovating the way of the phone.

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