Dona Sarkar replace Gabe Aul on post Windows Insider Program Manager

Head Gabe Aul Windows Insider program is preparing to leave his post and hand over power Dona Sarkar (Dona Sarkar). According to the Aula, the main reason spodvignuvshey him to this decision was the complexity of combining the different responsibilities within Microsoft.

When 18 months ago, I became the head of An Insider Windows program, I was responsible for the development of feedback tools, and Windows assemblies propagation mechanisms. Of course, I would like to communicate directly with users tools that my team has prepared for distribution to pre-release Windows Insider Preview. In August last year, I joined the team Engineering Systems Team as part of Windows and Devices Group (WDG). In his current position I am responsible for the development of the tools that our programmers use to create Windows: planning, source code management tools, infrastructure preparation and assembly of automatic test systems. Despite the change of work, I remained the head of the Windows Insider program, continuing to work closely with his former team ..

But over the past few months, I realized that I could not devote himself or his main job or managing Windows Insider program. At the same time, this testing program for me is so important that I want her to have a separate head. So, the time has come, and I give the post to someone else.

Dona Sarkar worked with Microsoft for more than 11 years. During that time, she participated in the development of a wide variety of products, starting with Windows Explorer and ending HoloLens. During the Windows Vista training her team was responsible for the support of the Bluetooth standard, Blu-Ray format integration and auto-play function. Various search capabilities in Windows 7 and Windows 8 - as its achievement. As part of the Windows 8.1 platform engaged in the project of Don synchronization account settings, and during the development of Windows 10 led the portal associated with the digital signature of the driver. The last time Don was responsible for attracting third-party developers and enthusiasts to the holographic HoloLens platform.

Gabe Aul presented Don with the following words:

I work together with Donna for many years and I know that it is ideal for the management of Windows Insider program. Her technical competence, love and dedication to customer feedback process unexampled. <...> Don extraordinarily pleased to take this position, and we just started to discuss this possibility with her, she immediately offered a lot of great ideas for improving the current program. She said she was "waiting for the job eleven years."

If you have previously watched Gabe Aul blog on Twitter, then now is the time to subscribe to @donasarkar channel. In addition, you can learn more about Don on the English portal

In turn, Gabe Aul thanks all participants Windows Insider program. According to him, it was amazing, funny, interesting, "stunning" time. However, Gabe does not go away completely: it will continue to work closely with his old team. Just now this cooperation will become more "behind the scenes".

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