AndroidPIT becomes Th3porhani- this is what you need to know

We have announced it for a long time and now it is time. We have changed our name to Th3porhani. This probably raises questions. After all, an Android blog has become a large, international website. We have compiled the most important questions and answers for you.

Why do you rename yourself at all?

When the first Android smartphone was announced in late 2008, the tech world was in turmoil. With Android, an operating system for mobile phones was created that was suddenly available quasi free of charge to everyone who wanted to produce a smartphone or tablet. Google had actually made the source code of Android public and anyone could contribute to its development.

What exciting times those were! Every day there was a new app, every Android update was eagerly awaited. Compared to today, many things were harsh and not so professional. But that was exactly what made Android so charming. It was an operating system for hobbyists, savers and friends of open bootloaders.

Those days are gone. Even if a large part of Androids is still open, a lot has changed. Smartphones and their features are very similar today, no matter which manufacturer or even which operating system you use. Smartphones alone have become somewhat boring.

At the same time, the first manufacturer is now forced to step out of line: Huawei leaves the Android mothership made by Google and has to go his own way. It's quite possible that other manufacturers will also try this, should the experiment succeed.

And then there is this: Last year Google personally removed our app from the Play Store because Android was too dominant in the name. But what should you call an app if you are called AndroidPIT?

In short, the "Android" in our name is no longer up to date. We want and have to develop further.

What does Th3porhani mean?

AndroidPIT was and is our origin. Now we are moving on. But the Pit remains.

Don't you write about Android anymore?

We have always reported on smartphones of all kinds. This will remain so. Since 2018 we have been experimenting a lot with different topics. But our focus remains on smartphones, apps and in the future much more what you can do with them.

The website still looks the same - will it stay that way?

AndroidPIT is based on an own CMS and software for the forum. This was built, developed and maintained over many years. When our pages were created in 2009, the CMS available to us were all not flexible enough, so we had to rely on our own solution.

That is different today. There are now great content management systems that you can customize to your own needs with manageable effort.

Soon we will look completely different and still make sure that you can still find your way around. How can that look like? Soon we will show you more!

And what about an app?

As soon as we have changed the technical base, the old AndroidPIT app no longer works. We hope that we can offer a replacement by then.

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