Oculus TV may launch soon, allowing ESPN, Netflix and more in VR

Virtual reality has often been touted as the future of consumer technology. However, it is yet to become big in the mainstream market. But that may change with Oculus allowing you to watch TV through VR headsets. The company is planning to announce Oculus TV, which will allow users to stream Netflix, Showtime, ESPN and more through its headsets.
The feature puts you in a VR environment that replicates a movie theatre. You see a larger screen in front of you and there will be a hub for non-VR apps. So, services like Hulu, which are already on Samsung’s Gear VR headset, will be available as well. 
According to reports, the ESPN+ services, announced recently, will be launching through Oculus TV as well, along with Showtime Anytime, a streaming service from Showtime.
The move could unlock new usability for VR headsets, though there’s still work to be done. Companies are still working on making these headsets less bulky and easier to wear over long hours. Many have said that the correct device would be a mixture of VR and AR, though we’re yet to see go to market products like that.

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