Apple has been doing really well in almost every market, and the company has now set its sights on the augmented reality. The first AR device from Apple will be the AR glasses, but according to a new report from the Financial Times, that won't happen this year.
The company is apparently still debating about design and form factor, which would make a launch alongside the new iPhones next month highly unlikely, even by the end of 2017.
The report claims that the glasses may include cameras, sensors, and screens to create an augmented reality experience, but also that some prototypes have no screen and rely on the iPhone.
A particular area of experimentation, people familiar with the matter say, is a pair of AR glasses that might move cameras, sensors and screens from the smartphone to the face. Yet despite the excitement surrounding ARKit, internally the company is still not sure what the most compelling application for such a headset might be.As a result, there are still several different kinds of prototype being experimented with, according to people close to the company. One group of engineers is said to be advocating for a pair of glasses that have 3D cameras but no screens, leaving the iPhone as the hub and main display.