AlphaGo Is Now The Top Go Player In The World

Google's AlphaGo, a piece of artificial intelligence from DeepMind, is officially the best Go player in the world. It won for a second time against Ke Jie, a 19-year-old who also happens to be the world's top champion. With that second win, Jie can't come back in the three-round competition.
AlphaGo previously won against another top Go player, demonstrating it can consistently outperform humans at one of the world's toughest games.
The second match wasn't as close as the first. DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis says Jie was playing perfectly during much of the contest, yet he eventually resigned.
Today's game was different from the first. AlphaGo made some moves which were opposite from my vision of how to maximize the possibility of winning. I also thought I was very close to winning the game in the middle but maybe that's not what AlphaGo was thinking. I'm a little bit sad, it's a bit of a regret because I think I played pretty well.- Jie
The current version of AlphaGo uses 10x less power than the version that beat Lee Sedol, another champion.

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