New Game Mode feature in Windows 10 will raise the performance of running games

In recent years, it focused on Microsoft significantly to the field of online games developed for the device xBox In addition to the development of games on Windows Store platform with a recent copy of Windows 10 that support the technology DirectX 12.

According to the leaks , the next update for Windows 10, traded a range of specialized western sites discovery file system DLLUnder the name Game ModeIn the latest version of Windows, the thing which is considered agroup of analysts, including site   WindowsCentralThe issue is related to a new feature will be added to Windows 10 under the name of Game Mode"Which would reduce the consumption of the rest of the applications of computer resources, giving potential for Hardware to use the games as quickly as possible.

According to sources in the same location, the new property will be similar to property Alakspocks that reduce the exploitation of the rest of the applications of the resources of the device at the increase in gaming account.

And it remains non - obvious now is whether this feature will support up games that operate on the platformSteamAnd Origin Or be limited to Windows Store games, or will support all of the games, without exception and without distinction between the platforms used for employment.

Finally, the Windows 10 system will become the preferred direction for all Algimarz around the world, especially since the bulk of Alakspocks Games operates on Windows 10, not to mention support for the latest image processing techniques technique DirectX 12.

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