ESEA Hack Leads To Leak Of 1.5 Million Gamer Profiles

Over a million user records from ESEA, a competitive gaming community, have leaked. ESEA's site was hacked and the company refused to pay a $100,000 ransom demanded by the perpetrators. After its refusal, the hackers ended up leaking 1.5 million records, including usernames, email addresses, hashed passwords, hashed security question answers, and forum posts.
In some cases, private messages, IP addresses, and phone numbers were exposed.
We do not give in to ransom demands and paying any amount of money would not have provided any guarantees to our users as to what would happen with their stolen data,- ESEA
The hashed passwords probably won't be cracked as they were encrypted with bcrypt.
ESEA responded by notifying the FBI, telling users to change their account info, and by patching the affected database.

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