Apple and Google Ihzvan Linkedin from Mottagrehma after the Russian government is required to do so

Days ago traded American newspapers news stating the intervention of Russian hackers in the falsification of the US presidential election process, the thing that brought Ahajh technological conflict between the two countries, since Russia is taking measures and strict laws with all the Internet services of foreign and American private.

In a report published on the newspaper The New York Times Russia demanded that both Google and Apple to delete the application Linkedin from my shop their systems, after the Bhoudr application from the Russian web site, and Oazat to overcome a Russian laws that have been released in 2014, which stipulates that all data collected from Russian citizens must remain within the Russian border. Following this claim, it bowed to both technology giants Google and Apple to demand that Russia, they delete the final application of Mottagrehma on Russian territory. It is worth mentioning that Apple also agreed days ago on the Chinese government to delete the application of the newspaper The New York Times from a store in China, due to lack of compatibility and a Chinese laws, but it has not been disclosed what this law does not by Apple or the Chinese government. In a statement to a company site Linkedin Recode officials on the incident, disclosed deplored the actions taken against the application , which is used by a group of leading Russian business and contracting for the success of their projects and expanded.

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