This Facebook Tips for students interested in artificial intelligence

 One of the biggest technological changes in human history is happening now ... only in recent years ... a huge revolution tremendous applications ... a revolution led by artificial intelligence and its applications.

True , we did not disclose the lid on the work of the human mind mechanism yet, it is also true thatwe have yet to agree on a precise definition of what the intelligence even, but ... nothing prevents us from trying to emulate and modeling some mechanisms , even though we do not know what it is .

Facebook of "relatively modern" companies in the field of artificial intelligence and its applications, but it is one of the largest incubated companies Cavaouat working on the development ofapplications ... and already, benefited Facebook of this technology and its development too much, so he no longer passes over a month -tgariba- only and read it for news of a new Facebook , a new application from the development of its applications. 

Math ...... then the math! 

Quite simply, this is the advice given by each of Yann LeCun artificial intelligence lab director of thecompany 's summary, and Joaquin Quiñonero Candela director of machine learning Pfispock applications group. 

The researchers also focused on specific parts (for the transfer of specific courses are taught theAmerican university system -ovi the rest of the world universities Almmermoukh-) which Ay respectively ( By the way, you can search for them and study them for free on the Internet): 
 Calc the I, Calc II, Calc - III, Linear Algebra, probability, Statistics 
has focused especially on statistics and probability (probability, Statistics) and the extent of their importance in the field. 

There beside the math engineering, computer science, economics, and neuroscience, as it is also considered one of the important topics of the era 's economy, is also indicative of the importance ofphilosophy. 

It is noteworthy that Yann LeCun and his colleague Joaquin Quiñonero Candela are considered the most prominent faces in the world of artificial intelligence and its applications on the world stage now.

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