Sony exposed to pirate one of their accounts on Twitter and transmit misleading news

Sony exposed to pirate one of their accounts on Twitter and transmit misleading news

The issue of piracy, Sony has returned to the fore yesterday, after the process of piracy suffered by the branch Film for the Japanese company in 2014, following the production of a comedy film deemed insulting to the Korean president of the North, I hit Sony again on Monday to an act of piracy most effective accounts on the social networking site.

After Branch Film Company in 2014 presented yesterday the expense of the company "Sony Music" on the social networking "Twitter" site of piracy began airing misleading news through a series of tweets , including the tweet which claimed the death of music star "Britney Spears" , a rumor that has spread dramatically social networking sites before the company regain control of the account and re things to normal by deleting all of these tweets. 

Sony admitted pirating calculated "Sony Music" on Twitter and that all the tweets that have been aired are just rumors, this case and recalled piracy Sony story that took place in 2014, which sparked a lot of controversy at the time was linked to a series hackers North Koreans, and has intervened in this case US authorities represented by the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) but without conclusive results.

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