Report: Billion Penetrator from Yahoo account is already sold on the dark web!

Yahoo acknowledged yesterday that the pirates have to penetrate their systems and steal nearly billion account, and now, it appears clear that the entire database is placed on the Internet for purchase.

He says a report published newspaper The New York Times, that Yahoo database that contains a billion expense base was sold on the dark web of August in the amount of approximately $ 300 thousand, and the worst that there were three types of Almestern who Afqu and to pay the amount.

Says Andrew KomarovHead of the intelligence office security company InfoArmor Almstraean that the first two were prominent spammers, while the third is believed to be involved in espionage attacks and was probably intended to use billion account for similar purposes.

This has been the lack of the price of a private database after the story moved to the public and after the establishment of Yahoo to send a message to the password for the affected users to change, as the report says that al-Qaeda has become a price of $ 20 thousand only.

It is worth mentioning that the base contains accounts data all, names, passwords, read its phone, security questions and answers ... which constitutes a major threat to private users in the case of using the same information to other sites and services, and the thing that was shocking is to contain al-Qaeda on what approximately 150 thousand expense related to military personnel and government employees.

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