Microsoft: phone next will be totally new class of phones that have never built

Microsoft characterized the movements of calm for the most part in the field of smart phones this year, but everyone now expects that the company will launch a major huge phone next year as it is expected that it will work on Windows Phone as a platform again.

Former CEO Satya Nadella himself has said that Microsoft wants to build " the ideal mobile device ,

Chris Capossela, Chief Marketing Officer of the company, has provided some details about the future plans of Microsoft, when he said that what Microsoft is trying to do with the next phone is the same thing you did with the Surface "Invent a new category of products."

This means that to a large extent that   the Surface Phone Can be more than just a phone, it has previously indicated that the information leaked that the company aims to integrate all of the global phone and computer in the same machine. 
He has hinted Capossela That it can be more than just merging two worlds together.

In an interview, Capossela Repeat the words Satya Nadella, explaining that Microsoft wants to work together with partners to build a new super computers is mobile normal that we know today, and at the same time the company will work to improve the Windows 10 Mobile to support the new features that may be contained in these devices.

And of course, it did not provide any details, but it seems that Microsoft launches have become more and more hints that something big is coming to the front in the field of smart phones.Unfortunately, there are no details of the timing, so the wait will be the only solution for fans of the company's phones.

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