INTERPOL used artificially intelligent to catch purveyors of pornography on children

The Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI did an excellent job in recent times about the dismantled alarge group of criminals and Alipidoviliyn was active and promoting movies child pornography on the Tor network. 
This was just one stroke in a big battle is still waged by the most competent authorities in the world against the sexual exploitation of children.

On the other side, it seems that Interpol is making significant progress in its part of Europe, as reports showed that it was adopting the artificially intelligent help Thdbd promoters Abahbh children P2P networks. The new system Eachd iCOP name or  (Identifying and Catching Originators in P2P Networks ) as it works in a manner similar to the mechanism Photo DNA from Microsoft accidentally select images in which children in pornographic situations appears, to give her a digital signature, to proceed after that system in the archiving and collected during the investigation . And it shared this data in a global database, if they were the same image or video has emerged in another investigation , it is immediately reported it. The thing that provides the authorities fuss hard manual search at the base of such a huge database that is, it  saves time and reduces thenumber of labor and speeds up the work of the investigation. It is worth mentioning that theprogram automatically identifies any new pornographic material (anything that has not been previously reported), the thing that leads to find out more new crimes that could not have been previously know this same speed.

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