How do you take a picture Sylvie using only your voice!

Take pictures Alselva classic way may be a bit not my job to a group of users, for that day will share with you the way of Khalallaha will be able to take pictures of Sylvie by sending an audio signal is picked for your iPhone.
How do you take a picture Sylvie using only your voice!
Method lies in your use free application on the Apple store called "VoiceCam" will you download the application, which you will find loaded down entry link, then the Baloloj him so that you will find that you can take pictures of you, either rear or front Balkamra choose the appropriate Alcamra and that Todd to pick up the image and then Taatcol aloud "Action"
After that says "Action" will be take the picture without clicking on a button so that the application works to pick up the word "Action" and translates it to take pictures service without clicking on the dedicated button, and after taking the picture you can save it directly to your device as well to the possibility of their participation on the social networking sites.

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