Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, upper and Twitter, vow not to help build a log to keep track of Muslims

After the thousands of engineers (and some executives) as the "Silicon Valley" or rather Silicon Valley (US industrial area, considered a stronghold of the largest technology companies in the world) to sign a pledge in which they say they will not help at all in building a record of the Muslims (meant here to build a database and scheduling then track down all the information relating to Muslims in America from the users of the technology companies),  the news websiteBuzzfeed News Asking several major technology companies for their opinion in the matter.

She answered all of Google, Facebook, and the upper course they will not help in the construction of such a thing.

Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter came from their side also pledge not to help build something like this a few days ago before, as has also , CEO of the parent company for WordPress personally signed the pledge , which says not to help build a record for the Muslims. 

While only exception is the remains of Oracle Corporation , which has refused to respond to questions news website Buzzfeed News and preferred silence about it, Vlcharkh of course , a long history with US intelligence agencies, as the NSA is one of the most important of their customers. 
This has been appointed chief executive of Oracle Safra Catz within Atidah Committee of thetransition team of President - elect Donald Trump. 

The possibility of establishing a register of Muslims for the first time in the United States appeared a few months ago during the election campaign of President - elect Donald Trump, while thepresident - elect does not reduce the time to deny it and deny his desire record of this type, in the wake of moves taking place in Silicon Valley, and the kris Kobach A ministerial team for theupcoming Trump members suggested that the record is coming to immigrants from Muslim countries setting..

It is worth mentioning that the technology giants silicon Valley held a meeting with President - elect Donald Trump earlier this week to discuss a number of important points, including themanufacturing profile in China and the possibility of converting their industries to the United States.

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